Sunday, 5 February 2023

Decemborc, Rise of the Orc Lords; Week 4




Everything pointed to the Klon Triumvirate (as I called them) sacking the city of Carnatium in a one off event that would bring to an end the easy pickings from the human farms. Could I risk trying to hit the farms in (2,7) again on day 1, the last day possible before this happened? But, what if they that was what the Triumvirate planned; lure me to (2,7), turn from the city and face me there with a 1000+ HD army (the minimum need to attack the city) instead? 

There was another factor as well. I was not entirely sure their combined army did number to over 1000 HD; after all, Klon needed a force to retake his home village lost to Sivor, Grimdark likely had left a substantial force to guard his home village, and Rockbrain was still working with his initial numbers of troops. If so, this raised the chance of running into them since they could not advance on the city. The mere possibility of ambush caused me to rule out moving into the farm area, I would have to send my treasure through the portal and find some way to give battle to the Triumvirate as they tried to get their treasure and loot to Malturrim.


I don't think of myself as a strong diplomacy player, this goes back to a game in the 80's where I played Germany and by the end was reduced to just one fleet in Portugal (see above re-enactment); but, this week I needed to make many diplomatic overtures to the other Orc Lords, and, fortunately, every conversation I had went well in the lead up to issuing orders for Week 4. I was probably helped by the fact that the Klon Triumvirate, by starting the week in a position to raid Carnatium, had made themselves a natural enemy to rally against. Facing them we had a strong coalition of forces; the Southeast Conference (Kul of Dripping Blades and Kris Karnhell), the mighty Garek Bloodtide with his Battlemaster ability, the enigmatic Khaleb Ghines, and the wild card Hollyfelled with his Weathermancer ability. 

The problem was, how could we be sure to bring the enemy to fight when they would likely evade if they could? There was a 50% chance of evading in the open, somewhat less if they went past a village we controlled.

I don't know if Hollyfelled had already thought of it, but I realised that the Weathermancer ability could be used to stop treasure trains dead, making evasion impossible. Using it, he could force a fight with any unit in his hex. With this going for us, our combined numbers, and Gareks' ability to shift the battle in our favour; we might just pull it off.


Porcus Orcus Orders Dec 22-28

Day 1
  • Porcus Force (Porcus Orcus, 1 Subchief, Gizard the Wizard, 400HD orcs, 270HD goblins, 6800gp, 680hd humans) moves from (3,8) to (4,7) Portal.

Day 2 
  • Send all Gold and all slaves through Portal with a sub-chief and 10hd Orcs  (only cash in after below)
  • Porcus Force (Porcus, Gizard the Wizard, 390HD orcs, 270HD goblins), moves from (4,7) to (4,6) Grimdark's stronghold - estimate defences with an eye to attack with Karnhel (and Garek maybe). Have Levitate ready for invisible orcs to sneak in an open the gates. Make it New New Porcustown.

Day 3 
  • Depending on timing/success of taking Grimdark's stronghold (4,6) and making it my new home, cash in slaves and gold in Malturrim so they arrive there.

Day 3 or 4 
  • Reinforcements arrive in New New Porcustown.

Day 3+
  • Prevent Klon & co "the Triumvirate" reaching Malturrim with their treasure, Co-operate with Karnhel, Kul, Garek and Hollyfelled to attack Klon & co. Hollyfelled to use rain to stop them moving through the portal. 
  • Use the defensive bonus in 4,6 to attack Klon & co if they go that way. Pursue them if they evade. Be ready to advance to the 'sound of the guns'.
  • If Klon & co do not take Carnatium, advance to do some farming of my own (with support from other Orc Lords if possible).

General Orders
  • Intercepting the Triumvirate's treasure train is the TOP PRIORITY.
  • Time cashing in to allow for reinforcements to hit 4,6. If taking this fails, then cash in and get reinforcements at New Porcustown (8,5) instead, then this force is to advance to meet Porcus, the sub-chief in Malturrim will advance and take over garrisoning of (8,5). 
  • If/when 4,6 is taken and becomes New New Porcustown, forces from 8,5 (1 subchief, 10 orcs, 454 gold) to move to 7,5 then Malturrim and cash in gold and join up with the subchief there. This might be day 2-4.
  • If for some reason no home hex is available for reinforcements, hold onto gold and slaves in Malturrim. 

Klon Krushnag (maybe)

This week the brain of Mr Wargaming was severely stressed by a series of cascading orders and dependencies from most of the Orc Lords. He emerged victorious; though in the end some of my secondary orders didn't quite get actioned, which was fine with me. The main priority, the big battle of the game, did happen; and it was glorious

He had a point for sure about the combat table not quite living up to the occasion; but, having a huge decisive battle on the randomly decided location of the Portal, involving all but one Orc lord's forces, featuring the use of weather magic in combination with the battle master ability; you could hardly have asked for a more epic showdown. The extra delay until after Christmas to resolve the battle was the icing on the cookie.

Incidentally, the Triumvirate did go to the farms in (2,7) on Day 1, so I'm glad I didn't! 

At the end of Week 4 the Triumvirate was completely destroyed and the name of Porcus Orcus was still on top of the Leaderboard. There were 3 days remaining in the game.


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