Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Trollopulous Adjusted Session 96 (Machodor #56); Taking of the Ice Castle


The mysterious Ice Castle



This session took place on 05/12/2024, and the PCs adventured for 6 days.

Player Characters Present

Slippery Pete (Level 9 Thief, wearer of the Hat of Disguise and wielder of the Black Dagger)
Sever (Level 8 Pegasus Corps Ranger of Machodor, wielder of Were'shbane and wearer of the Girdle of Cloud Giant Strength)
Giuseppe (Level 7 Paladin of Rome, Brovenloft, wielder of the Dragonslayer and the Shield of Protection from Missiles, rider of Bonecrusher) with henchmen Bishoy and Tawadros (F5)
Sheamus (Level 7 Irish Fighter from Brovenloft, rider of the Rocket Cycle and wielder of the Drewblade) with henchman McScales (Lizardman F2)
Gurt the Green (Level 5 Paladin of Machodor, wielder of the Longsword+3, rider of Artax) with henchman Solaire (P3) and Anri (M3)


After the battle in session #54 (still to be recorded), a number of player characters and their henchmen trained and went up levels. 

Reports reached Guarda that a merchant caravan had been badly shot up by Ice Storms fired from the Ice Castle that sits across proposed trade route to the south of the Master of Winter's valley. "Something should be done about it."

Path followed in this session

Session Report

The Ice Castle was not just a threat, it was a mystery; previously Slippery Pete had snuck in and surveyed the place, finding a magically locked door at the back of it.

For the first time, the players mustered a force of troops that was almost entirely paid and outfitted themselves. This would allow them to reap the full benefit of any mass battle successes they might achieve (see session #54 report when I've finished it).

Towards the end of a three day march the force reached the vicinity of the Ice Castle unmolested. Here the players schemed and decided to find some sort of back way to approach without risking attack from the long range ice weapons that they feared. They found a previously unexplored valley at the foot of the mountain and dug in.

Having left their men in a safe encampment, the players worked their way up and around the mountain side. Their planning left a little to be desired, and night fell while they were still climbing up to the summit of a shoulder that they hoped would lead down to the outcrop of rock above the Ice Castle. 

In the middle of the night, Gurt, who was on watch with his henchman, was alerted by the strange sensation that a blizzard was trying to enter the cave they had taken shelter in. It was in fact three Yeti; they failed to surprise him.

Combat #1: Yeti

Rounds: 4

Result: Party Wins

Highlights: It turned out that the cave was in fact the Yeti's lair, there were women and cubs hiding in a sub section of tunnel, they had been trapped when the party had chosen this spot; but, now with their males here, the females crept out of hiding to attack from behind. A nasty close quarters fight followed, but the party prevailed. At the back of the cave the party found 6,000 Gold Machos!

Now I'll let you into the method I use for random encounters like this. I generally have a good idea of what is and is not in a given area of the Bandit Mountains, sometimes more exact than others. Naturally, if no encounter rolls were positive we just keep going from the next morning; but, if, there is an encounter in the night I just roll among the available watchers (usually not Magic Users, Clerics, or Thieves if man power is sufficient) to randomly assign who was on watch at the time. I recall a great deal of game time in my youth being wasted on who was going to take which watch of the night. "I'll take the first watch." "Mate leave my watch alone!" etc etc. In a four hour online session no one has time for that.

In this case the encounter was with Yeti, but that is not all; Yeti have a low 10% chance of being in lair and I rolled under the target. This called for some DM abduction; the only conclusion was that the party had un-fortuitously chosen the Yeti lair as their camp for the night!

I can easily imaging a conventional DM prepping this encounter and then ensuring the party found the cave, decided to stay there, and so on; then staging the arrival of the Yeti in the middle of the night. Players can sense this and don't like it.

The next morning was foggy, hampering them as they tried to determine their direction over to the castle. They followed the general slope down while they could, but then was a conundrum. Ahead were a scattering of large boulders, there was no clear direct route to follow, and when they pushed on, they suddenly found a very large "rock" had stepped out in front of them and was barring their way. With unusual creatures, in fact all creatures, I try to describe what the players see, but I'm not great at this, so I usually relent and show a picture eventually.

This creature proved to be the Rock equivalent of a Treant, a Galeb Duhr.

I knew these guys were up there, and had established that they were afraid of the cold magic of the occupants of the Ice Castle and were following orders to prevent anyone approaching from this direction. A random encounter in the area would be with them. The monster manual doesn't say what languages they can speak, so I assumed only that of their alignment. With communication being so difficult, and them being a direct obstacle to the party's objective, I was expecting a fight; which could well have been deadly indeed. What happened next was the most fun part of the session for me.

Fortunately, the party got a good reaction roll, and the Galeb Duhr made an attempt to communicate. And it was off to Slippery Pete's private channel for a discussion. 

DM: "You hear a voice coming from the large boulders ahead, it sounds like... a rock speaking."

Galeb: "Bad men hurt us if we let you pass, return whence you came." 

Pete (The Pious and Humble): "Hail, well met rock friends. Bad men, you say? My companions can help free you from them. Also, how can they hurt a rock?"

Galeb: "Those in the Castle Below have the power of COLD! We fear them using it on us."

Pete (TPH): "So do we. That's why we come from this direction. We mean to extirpate them. Would you help us? (Charisma reaction +10)".

The roll was positive.

Galeb: "You must prove your STRENGTH, send forward your strongest to ME."

Pete: "I will consult with my strongest.."

Soon Sever was walking forward to take on a feat of strength contest with the Galeb Duhr. Seeing the diminutive Ranger, the rock creature was not initially impressed, but when Sever threw a rock many times further than the Galeb Duhr could throw one, it changed its tune. After some further negotiations the rock creature was prepared to help the party. 

Now, I started this session expecting some kind of mass battle to take the Ice Castle; what would these new players bring to the table? Well according to MM2 they can cast Passwall once per round, indefinitely, at the 20th level of magic use. And so he created a path for the party, right through the mountain, directly down to a spot just above the battlements. This path would last just about an hour in case their assault failed and had to retreat. 

The only downside was that the party could not see out from inside the Passwall tunnel; so they leapt out, ready for anything.

Combat #2: Ice Castle defenders

Rounds: 6

Result: Party Victory

Highlights: The defenders had created a checker board like defence system of Glyphs of Warding. They could somehow avoid activating them, while the players could not. The defence was led by a high level fighter and his squad of Spetum wielding assistants; the shoe was on the other foot and party's weapons were dropping all over, sometimes landing on a square they knew must hold a Glyph. They were forced to pull out back up weapons. I though this was cool, but I sensed some frustration among the players. 

Finally the party prevailed and they sought new opponents on the further battlements.

However, the other defenders were now nowhere to be seen, and it appeared they had fled earlier in the battle. Almost as though it was the sort of thing they had done before (they had). Hastily assessing the loot on their defeated opponents Anri went to Identify the sword belonging to the enemy leader; but, alas, it was an Evil aligned sword and she took almost enough damage to kill her. Thankfully for the party's further plans, however, she manged to survive.

The players searched out any possible hiding places in the castle and then approached the mysterious "bank vault style" door. With Bumblebore away (secret Magic User business), eyes returned to Gurt's henchman, but Anri had memorised Invisibility that day instead of Knock. She set about memorising it for the next day while the troops were brought up to occupy the castle. The next morning Knock did the job and the door was opened. Beyond was a tunnel, constructed of the same strange ice-like material of the Castle itself. The tunnel lead far away and down into the mountain; terminating at a vast icy cavern. There was no sign of the enemy. The players chose not to pursue any further, but to consolidate and occupy the castle for the winter.

Session Statistics: 

Wilderness travel: 18 Miles

Combats: 2

Combat rounds: 10

Treasure and XP

Trollopulous Adjusted Session 96 (Machodor #56)

Treasure & Items
6000 Gold Machos (in the Yeti lair, how did they get there?)
Evil Aligned Longsword 5000gp (handed in to Minas Mandalf by Sever)
10 suits of platemail, 1 shield, 9 Spetum, 10 daggers

6 Adult Yeti 3210xp
3 female Yeti 600xp
3 young Yeti 60xp
3 Level 3 brigands 495xp
6 Level 4 brigands 1480xp
1 Level 7 Brigand 850xp
2 Undead constructs 560xp
Total 7255xp

18,255 XP & 11,000 GP Assignment
Slippery Pete (E) 2608 XP & 1467 GP
Sever (E) 2608 XP & 1467 GP
 army 1/2 share 733 GP
Giuseppe (E) 2608 XP & 1467 GP
  and Bishoy & Tawadros (E) 1304 XP & 733 GP
Sheamus (E) 2608 XP & 1467 GP
Gurt the Green (S, lack of care of henchmen with the evil sword ) 2608 XP & 1467 GP
  and Solaire (E) 1304 XP & 733 GP
  and Anri (S, lack of care with the evil sword ) 1304 XP & 733 GP


Domby (Henchman with Dex 5), double surprised and turned into a pin cushion in session #87

Luke (Half elf Fighter/Cleric level 1), tragically killed by a normal hydra while trying to cauterise one of its neck stumps in session  #86

Gurt the Green (Paladin level 3),  killed by a hydra bite in session  #86 RAISED FROM THE DEAD

Pleasance (Footman level 0), killed by a phase spider bite in session #81

Siegward (Henchman Fighter level 1), killed by a phase spider bite in session #81

Tawadros (Henchman Fighter level 4),  killed by a phase spider bite in session #81 RAISED FROM THE DEAD

Patria (Footman level 0), killed by a two headed snake bite in session #81

Deltacron (Dwarf Fighter/Thief level 1/1), threw his last flask of oil at, and was level drained to death by, a Vampire in session #76

Petrov the Prestidigitator (Magic-user level 1), killed again by the toxic gas of an Achaierai in session #72

Petrov the Prestidigitator (Magic-user level 1), wrong place, wrong time; killed by Sever the Ranger in session #72 RAISED FROM THE DEAD

Red (Paladin Level 1), always popular with the ladies, he was eaten up by a female Roc in the Pizza Slice of Doom during session #67

Jacques Ocular (Magic User level 1), a fat green worm burrowed into his head and turned him into a Son Of Kyuss in Brovenloft in Session #43

Pino (Dwarf Footman level 0), Killed by a Frost Giant axe in the head in session #39

Paro (Dwarf Fighter/Thief level 2/2)  Killed by Winter Wolves and frozen in session #39

Zabib (1/2 Elf Fighter/Magic User level 1/1), Killed by Frost Giant rocks in downtime prior to session #39

Monday, 10 March 2025

Trollopulous Adjusted Session 95 (Machodor #55); Return to the Desert


This week I suddenly needed the larger scale map 



This session took place on 21/11/2024, and the PCs adventured for 2 days.


After the mass battle of last session (not yet published), the players sorted themselves out a very different party of characters for this week; but there was synergy with the desert related rumour they chose to pursue, as those characters had looked into it way back in 2023. Since that time the area effect by the sudden appearance of the desert  south west of Minas Mandalf had spread all the way up to the Bandit Mountains.

Player Characters Present

Karshe (Level 6 Fighter, bearer of the Military Trident
  with henchmen Harlan (Dwf F/T 2/3) Dusty (D3) and Isaac (C3)
Primus (Level 4 Fighter of Machodor, member of the Order of the Rising Sun)
Deadeye Donny (Level 3 Monk of Machodor)
Ignatius the Smiter (Level 1 Cleric of Machodor)


  • Many player characters were off training to level up
  • Sever laid Convess to rest in a ceremony in Minas Mandalf, he is now raising a new mount.
  • On the night of the last full moon (15 Nov) numerous witnesses claim to have seen the Countess Echellet running through the streets of Guarda. It is claimed she was observed going into the mountains via a trail to the east.
  • Refugees from villages and thorps displaced by the encroaching desert have been increasing in number in Guarda. The latest batch (18 Nov) report being chased by little blue men until a strong Pegasus Company force provided air cover. Enquire with the 6th company 4th platoon leader, Ajaxxed, if interested to learn more.

Session Report

A long time has passed since the desert first appeared, and the situation has now festered to the point that it was knocking on the doors of the Bandit Mountains near Guarda. The players dismissed the rumour of a Countess Echellet sighting as a bait, and chose instead to approach the Pegasus 6th Company. With the information provided by Ajaxxed (NPC Pegasus Corps section leader) and a promise from him to keep an eye out and help direct the party to the right spot, they set off. It was a windy day, but at least the wind was out of the east and not blowing sand into their eyes. No one likes that. In the afternoon they reached the indicated place. They carefully crept along the dune to a stone slab, that, when moved, was found to be wedged over what proved to be stairs going down into the ground. 

The party began cautiously, checking for traps on the stairs and the short tunnel beyond, at least until they had entered the first real room. Here they promptly set off a simple-but-effective trap that, while not deadly, made a lot of noise in the confined space of a 40 by 40 foot room. The party waited for something to respond to the noise; but when it looked like nothing was going to, they continued on. At the far end of the room was its only exit, leading north. They went through to find that the passage beyond immediately turned west, where there were stairs going down. There was some joking congratulations about conquering the first level easily, and then the party descended. 

The straight stair terminated at a long corridor, also heading west. Here the corridor was filled with the debris of broken statues and decorative attachments of wall that had fallen, or been torn down, in the past. They began picking their way over the uneven terrain when a set of gooey arms sprang out of the wall to their left, clutching at the nearest adventurer.

Combat #1: Stun Jelly and 20 Xvarts

Rounds, 7: Monsters win surprise for 2 segments, party win,  monsters win, party wins, party wins, monsters win.

Result: Party victory

Highlights: It was a very good thing for Donny that it was Karshe and his henchmen playing today, and not Giuseppe and his, the extra healing kept him alive.

Having no Rangers in the party really cost them here with a surprise roll of 2. I rolled to see which target the Stun Jelly went for; and it chose the unarmoured Monk, missed on its first attack, but the second engulfed Donny and paralysed him (while dealing continuous damage as well). Then, 20 Xvarts, who had been alerted previously by the setting off of the noise making trap, and were laying in wait amongst the rubble, leapt up to attack and threw a net over Karshe and Primus. Both fighters were stuck and got a good pummelling (well, stabbing) from ten of the little guys who were jumping all over them. 

Somewhere at the back was a magic-user xvart with two Magic Missiles, he sent them at Primus. Hit points were dropping everywhere, but once surprise was over the party began to fight back strongly. In the following round Karshe and Primus were able to cut through the net and start up the "multi attacks vs less than one HD creatures" and it was soon over for the xvarts (except for the magic user who got away).

Exploration continued and the party were carefully searching an apparently empty room when Karshe heard something coming from the wall ahead of him.

Combat #2: Thoqqua

Rounds: 2 Monsters win, Monsters win

Result: Party Victory

Highlights: A super heated mini purple worm shot out of the wall right at Karshe and did significant initial damage, fortunately his equipment in the area passed item saving throws from the exceptional heat. 

The battle had destroyed some invisible clay pots, revealing a big pile of copper coins and a robe that proved to be magical. Once again, a Karshe henchmen filled a gap by casting Detect Magic here. This also had the incidental effect of revealing a secret door or two, and their opening mechanisms as well. One door opened in the south wall onto the corridor that led back to the surface; the other was in the north wall. Initially the party decided to leave it alone. However, temptation proved too strong for Dusty the Druid and he opened it, just to take a peak. Beyond was a small landing with four ghouls looking at him hungrily, and stairs going down. Wait, what was looking at him? Too late! 

Combat #3: Ghouls

Rounds: 1 Monsters win

Result: Party Victory, monsters fled

Highlights: The undead attacked and won initiative, hitting Dusty and Karshe for significant damage. However, both made their saves against Paralysis and fought on. This was useful as Isaac was then able to successfully Turn Undead, which gave the fighter and druid at the front a chance to take out 1 of the creatures before the other 3 sped away down the stairs.

In moments there was nothing left but a very cold draft coming from somewhere down below, in the direction the ghouls had gone. Despite some encouragement on my part, the players felt that they had pushed their luck far enough, and turned for home. After an uneventful night in the desert they made it back to Guarda, with the help of passing Pegasus Riders to guide them. This was not before I made one roll for getting lost, which I insisted on doing because I've never done one before in the campaign and wanted to break that run.


Session Statistics: 

Wilderness travel: 30 Miles

Combats: 3

Combat rounds: 12

Treasure and XP

Trollopulous Adjusted Session 95 (Machodor #55)

Treasure & Items
100gp Gem
40 10gp base value gems (from the body of the Thoqqua)
22 10gp,2 12gp,1 15gp,1 13gp,1 8gp,1 7 gp,2 5gp,1 4gp,1 10gp,8 20gp gems: total 459gp
Robe Of Useful Items (Identified for 350gp) 15,000gp

1 Stun Jelly 189xp
19 Xvarts 171xp
1 Thoqqua 125xp
1 Ghoul 97xp

16,210 XP & 15,278 GP Assignment
Karshe (E) 2947 XP & 2777 GP
 and Isaac (E) 1473 XP & 1389 GP
 and Dusty (E) 1473 XP & 1389 GP
 and  Harlan (E) 1473 XP & 1389 GP
Primus (E) 2947 XP & 2777 GP
Ignatius (E) 2947 XP & 2777 GP
Donny (E) 2947 XP & 2777 GP


Domby (Henchman with Dex 5), double surprised and turned into a pin cushion in session #87

Luke (Half elf Fighter/Cleric level 1), tragically killed by a normal hydra while trying to cauterise one of its neck stumps in session  #86

Gurt the Green (Paladin level 3),  killed by a hydra bite in session  #86 RAISED FROM THE DEAD

Pleasance (Footman level 0), killed by a phase spider bite in session #81

Siegward (Henchman Fighter level 1), killed by a phase spider bite in session #81

Tawadros (Henchman Fighter level 4),  killed by a phase spider bite in session #81 RAISED FROM THE DEAD

Patria (Footman level 0), killed by a two headed snake bite in session #81

Deltacron (Dwarf Fighter/Thief level 1/1), threw his last flask of oil at, and was level drained to death by, a Vampire in session #76

Petrov the Prestidigitator (Magic-user level 1), killed again by the toxic gas of an Achaierai in session #72

Petrov the Prestidigitator (Magic-user level 1), wrong place, wrong time; killed by Sever the Ranger in session #72 RAISED FROM THE DEAD

Red (Paladin Level 1), always popular with the ladies, he was eaten up by a female Roc in the Pizza Slice of Doom during session #67

Jacques Ocular (Magic User level 1), a fat green worm burrowed into his head and turned him into a Son Of Kyuss in Brovenloft in Session #43

Pino (Dwarf Footman level 0), Killed by a Frost Giant axe in the head in session #39

Paro (Dwarf Fighter/Thief level 2/2)  Killed by Winter Wolves and frozen in session #39

Zabib (1/2 Elf Fighter/Magic User level 1/1), Killed by Frost Giant rocks in downtime prior to session #39

Trollopulous Adjusted Session 96 (Machodor #56); Taking of the Ice Castle

  The mysterious Ice Castle            Timekeeping This session took place on 05/12/2024, and the PCs adventured for 6 days. Player Characte...